Clarence Lester Greenleaf was born to Charles and Susanna (Wilder) Greenleaf in July 1860. One of his children's birth records says he was born in Washburn, Maine, and another's marriage record says he was born in Amity, Maine. I've seen family trees online say he was born on July 6, but I haven't seen any sources to confirm that yet. He did have a twin brother, Charles, and that's how I managed to find the 1860 census record on which the Greenleaf family appeared. My attempts to find "Clarence" and "Lester" didn't pan out, but looking for a Charles born in 1860 did. The record matches up well with the 1870 census; same parent names and an older brother named Alfred, but there are two things that don't quite match up on the 1860 record (even though I'm confident that it's the right one):
1. It says the baby boys were 2 months old, which doesn't match up to later sources that point to July births. They were actually only about 2 weeks old if July 6 is correct.
2. Clarence is listed as "Thomas."
Here's the 1860 census record showing the family living in Salmon Brook Plantation, Maine, which would be incorporated into the town of Washburn the following year. Charles, Susanna, and children appear on lines 10–14, with Charles Willey, who I presume to be a hired hand, listed on line 15.

By 1870, the Greenleafs had added four more children and were living in No. 11, Range 1. Most sources indicate Township 11, Range 1 is modern-day Cary, Maine, which is near the Washington County border but to me... it looks like T11 R1 ought to be modern Easton, Maine. The fact that Ancestry says the closest post office is Fort Fairfield also would point toward it being Easton. However, there are other census records from that year that explicitly say "Easton" on them. If you're an expert on Aroostook County geography and can sort that out, let me know. Regardless, the family appears on lines 31–39 in the image below:

I can't find an 1880 census for any of the Greenleafs, but looking at the crowd-sourced family tree, something horrible may have swept through the family in December 1877. It looks like five of the children, including Clarence's twin brother, died that month and all on different days, so it was probably an illness and not fire or the like. I've found no death records, obituaries, gravestones, or anything else to corroborate these deaths, though, so take it with a grain of salt.
By 1887, Clarence, if not the rest of his family, was living in Washburn. On 22 May 1887, he married Huldah M. Raven in that same town. Here's the town clerk's record of the marriage:

Huldah gave birth to Lulu, their first child, just four and a half months later on 7 October 1887, also in Washburn. I can't find any official sources, but Lulu appears to have passed away at the age of 5 months on 10 March 1888.
The couple would have another child, Charles E. Greenleaf, on 19 April 1889, but he would also die young on 20 November 1891.
Their third child, Fred Benjamin Greenleaf was born on 3 November 1891, just weeks before his older brother died.
Huldah herself passed away on 14 May 1894, leaving Clarence and young Fred behind.
On the 1900 census, Clarence and Fred were still living in Washburn and Clarence's widowed mother, Susanna, was living with them. His older brother, Benjamin, and his wife and three children were living next door. See lines 48–50 in the following image:

Later that year, on 6 October 1900, he married his half-niece, Martha "Mattie" Greenleaf, who was 20 years his junior. Here's their marriage record:

On 22 December 1901, Mattie gave birth to twins James and Jennie. Alton was born in 1904, Lester in 1906, and Clarence in 1909. By 1910, the family was living in Woodland, Maine, and can be seen on lines 51–57 in the image below:

Fred, the lone Raven descendant in the family, struck out on his own soon thereafter and married Mina Jane Cochran in 1913.
Mattie gave birth to two more children, Ray in 1912, and Virginia in 1915, but then passed away on 18 December 1917 at 37 years old. I have not dug into where his young children ended up living, but in 1920, Clarence was living with his brother-in-law and his sister, George and Hattie Easler, in Washburn. See lines 58–63 in the image below:

By 1930, Clarence had moved back to Woodland and was living by himself and apparently working at a grocery store, likely in conjunction with his next-door neighbor, Charles August, who was also a grocery merchant. See line 42 in the image below:

By all accounts I've seen, Clarence died in 1938 but I've not found anything giving a date. Some say he died in Washburn and some in Woodland. He was buried in Riverside Cemetery in Washburn and here's one side of his stone, which has apparently fallen over and has not been stood back up yet.

If you see any mistakes or know of information that isn't included here, please