Florence May Smith was born to Henry and Ida (Fleming) Smith in Oxbow, Maine on 27 July 1893. Here's a copy of her birth record:

Florence was the eldest child and by 1900, she was joined by siblings Florence, Arthur, and Rosamond. The Smith family is on lines 74–78 in the image below:

In 1910, the family was still living in Oxbow with the addition of Florence's two youngest siblings, Ralph and Fred. See lines 9–15:

In 1920, Florence was still living with her parents in Oxbow, but we know from her obituary that she had attended Shaw Business College in Portland, Maine, likely in the 1910s. According to the 1920 census, she was working as a compositor at a printing plant. See the Smith family on lines 32–38 in the image below:

In 1924, Florence married Harry Edward Carson in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada, which was just over 60 miles to the south east of Oxbow. Their marriage record follows:

Florence and Harry had a stillborn son on 30 May 1926 in Ashland, Maine. On 22 August 1927, she would give birth to Henry Smith Carson, whom they named after Florence's father.
In 1930, Florence, Harry, and Henry were renting a home of their own in Oxbow. Nearby neighbors on the same census page include Harry's sister, Hattie Whipple, and Florence's brother, Ralph Smith. The Carsons are on lines 44–46:

Florence's mother, Ida, passed away in 1931 and by 1940, they had moved to Ashland. Florence's father, Henry Smith, was living with them at the time of the 1940 census. The family appears on lines 62–65 in this image:

Henry Asa Smith would pass away the following year.
The 1950 census found Harry, Florence, and Henry still living in Ashland. See lines 19–21:

Soon after that, Henry would marry Viola McGuigan and the first of Florence's grandchildren would be born in 1951.
Harry passed away on 19 January 1973 in the Presque Isle hospital. He was buried in Ashland Municipal Cemetery.
Some time after Harry's death, Florence moved into a nursing home in Lubec, Maine, where she passed away on 4 October 1983 at age 90. Her obituary:

She was laid to rest in Ashland Municipal Cemetery next to her husband of nearly 50 years.
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